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M.Sc. Students


Shevy Waner (2017). Mate choice and reproductive benefits in the cannibalistic Brown Widow Spider (Latrodectus geometricus). (Joint supervision with Ally Harari and Yael Lubin).


Yaara Israeli (2014). Using wing morphology to study migratory patterns of the Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) at two stopover sites in Israel. (Joint supervision with Yoram Yom-Tov and Gidon Perlman).


Sameh Darawshi (2011). Effect of agriculture on the ecology of the Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) in Israel. (Joint supervision with Yossi Leshem).


Royi Zidon (2007). The reintroduction of the Persian fallow deer to the Soreq Valley: the mutual influence between the reintroduced animal and the surrounding habitat. (Joint supervision with David Saltz).


Nurit Guthrie (2007). Mobbing: Persuading the predator to leave, or gaining prestige? – Mathematical models for these two alternatives. 


Miriam Bensimhoun (2006). Parent-offspring conflict in the harvester ant between workers and young queens, regarding the timing of nuptial flight.


Noam Raanan (2005). The Nubian Ibex (Capra nubiana) in "Eretz ha-Makhteshim": Reactions to human disturbance. (Joint supervision with David Saltz and Yehoshua Shkedy).


Zohar Leader (2005). The diet of the Long-eared Owl (Asio otus) in the Negev desert, and a comparison with the diet of the Barn Owl (Tyto alba). (Joint supervision with Yoram Yom-Tov). 


Orli Bobek (2005). The role of nest-site micro-climatic conditions and parents experience on nesting success in the Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni). (Joint supervision with David Saltz).


Nili Anglister (2005). The impact of dune stabilization and Acacia saligna invasion on rodents populations in Ashdod-Nitzanim dunes, Israel. (Joint supervision with Yoram Yom-Tov).


Hila Yoel (2004). The effect of age, sex and origin on the survival and dynamics of the Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus). (Joint supervision with Ofer Bahat).


Tzahala Brosh (2004). Cultivated, semi-cultivated and natural fields as foraging areas of the Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni) in northern Israel. (Joint supervision with David Saltz).


Sigal Yaniv (2003). Division of parental care in the Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus). (Joint supervision with Ofer Bahat).

Shani Sheinin (2003). A field study of interference competition between the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) and the Common Jackal (Canis aureus). (Joint supervision with Yoram Yom-Tov and Eli Geffen). 


Myriam Freund (2003). Breeding success and its correlation with nesting niche characteristics: A study of a Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) colony in Gamla. (Joint supervision with Ofer Bahat).


Amalya Tores (2002). Is the Barn Owl (Tyto alba) an opportunistic predator? (Joint supervision with Yoram Yom-Tov).


Avigail Nevo (2002). Genetic characterization of House Mouse (Mus musculus domesticus) populations in Israel. (Joint supervision with Uzi Ritte).


Yoav Goell (2002). Social and feeding behavior of the Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) in a feeding station at Sde Boker in the Negev. (Joint supervision with Ofer Bahat).


Daphna Gotlieb (2001). Factors determining foraging hours and behavior of Proxylocopa olivieri (LEP). (Joint supervision with Avi Shmida).


Rana Samuels (2000). Flight-time dynamics and foraging choices of bumblebees. (Joint supervision with Avi Shmida).


Osnat Yaniv (1999). The parental investment conflict in continuous time: St. Peter's Fish as an example.


Tal Fuchs-Seifan (1999). Intraspecific nest parasitism: the Ostrich (Struthio camelus) as a case study.


Naomi Milano (1994). On optimal foraging strategies under environmental uncertainty.


Ayelet Rosenberg (1993). The affected sib pair method and its extension to the affected–nonaffected sib-pair method in studying the genetics of inherited diseases with incomplete penetrance.


Eli Schreiber (1993). Foraging strategies on flat inflorescences of Alkana strigosa (Boraginaceae) by solitary bees. (Joint supervision with Avi Shmida).


Alex Perlman (1992). Reliability of systems subject to two types of errors, where error probabilities are time-dependent. (Joint supervision with David Assaf).


Chaim Singel (1991). Evolutionarily stable croaking strategies for attracting females to aggregates of males.


David Feilchenfeld (1990). Evolutionarily stable strategies of migration under exploitative competition.


Zehava Carmeli (1988). Mobbing behavior in the Arabian babbler (Turdoides squamiceps) and its evolutionary significance. (Joint supervision with Amotz Zahavi).


Nir Walheimer (1985). On non-random mating systems.



Ph.D. Students


Lev Voskoboinik (2018). Developing methods for analysis of complex forensic DNA mixtures using SNPs. (Joint supervision with Ariel  Darvasi).


Guy Sion (2015). Inter-relations among behavior, physiology, morphology and directional asymmetry in the gecko Ptyodactylus guttatus. (Joint supervision with Yehudah L. Werner).


Michal Arbilly (2011). A Theoretical analysis of the evolution of individual and social learning in a social foraging game. (Joint supervision with Arnon Lotem).


Edith Katsnelson (2010). The evolution of producer-scrounger strategies in social foraging: Experiments with House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) and their theoretical implications. (Joint supervision with Arnon Lotem).


Tal Seifan (2008). Long-term influences of decision-making: Plant-pollinator interactions and their outcomes. (Joint supervision with Yaakov Kareev).


Adiv Gal (2007). Environmental effects on parental care decisions in the Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni). (Joint supervision with David Saltz).


Miriam Belmaker (2006). Community structure through time: 'Ubeidiya, a Lower Pleistocene site as a case study. (Joint supervision with Eithan Tchernov and Ofer Bar-Yosef).


Osnat Yaniv (2005). A game theoretical approach to time dependent animal conflicts.


Guy Pe'er (2004). Spatial and behavioral determinants of butterfly movement patterns in topographically complex landscapes. (Joint supervision with David Saltz).


Lilach Hadany (2002) On the evolution of complex traits: Mechanisms facilitating adaptive peak shifts. (Joint supervision with Ilan Eshel).


Tamar Keasar (1998). Sampling of food sources by foraging bumblebees. (Joint supervision with Avi Shmida).


Igal Milchtaich (1996). Congestion games. (Joint supervision with Sergiu Hart).





Dr. Amir Perelberg, Department of Evolution, Systematics and Ecology (2006–2009).


Dr. Guy Sella, Center for the Study of Rationality (2003–2005). (Joint hosting with Itamar Pitowsky).





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